program z; uses crt; const g=9.8; var w, e, r:integer; dt, V, x0, y0, A, t, Vx, Vy, x, y:real; begin clrscr; w:=0; e:=0; r:=0; t:=0; writeln('Vvedi x0!'); readln(x0); writeln('Vvedi y0!'); readln(y0); writeln('Vvedi V!'); readln(V); writeln('Vvedi dt!'); readln(dt); writeln('Vvedi A!'); readln(A); repeat Vx:=V*cos(A); Vy:=V*sin(A); t:=t+dt; x:=x0+Vx*t; y:=y0+Vy*t-g*sqr(t)/2; writeln('t=', t:4:4, 'x=', x:4:4, 'y=', y:4:4); if y>0 then w:=1; if (y<0) and (w=1) then r:=1; if (w=1) and (r=1) then e:=1; until e=1; readln; end.